Plumbing 1
To download just click the picture For more information please read the Readme that is included in the zip.

Showerroom shower

This is a shower that you put on a wall. It is useful for compact living because it wont get in the way when it is not being used. The new design with a floordrain prevents water from reaching the floor. This shower has a new hack in it. Sims will only shoo on members of the opposite sex. Sims of the same sex (and pets and NPCs) are ignored.

Hygiene 10, Room 2

hacked shower

Open shower

This is a shower that you put on a wall. It is useful for compact living because it wont get in the way when it is not being used. It has an open design. A new plumbing invention with a floor drain keeps the water from spreading over the floor.

Hygiene 10, Room 2

Downtown shower

This is a downtown shower. It is available in all away from home locations. Now your Sims can have a shower and not just wash their hands when they need to improve their hygiene. I use this one to let my sims have a shower after working out at the gym, where I use the excercise machines found in the skillbuilding section.You must have Toilet stalls in your game for this one to work.

File updated Aug 14 No longer needs cleaning and advertisment corrected. Sorry about that.

Studiotown showerstall

Another Shower stall made to match the Studiotown Toiletstall. Yor must have toiletstalls in your game for it to work, but Superstar is not needed.

File updated Aug 14 No longer needs cleaning and advertisment corrected. Sorry about that.

Unleashed showerstall

This one is made to match the Unleashed toilet stall. Needs toiletstalls to be in your game, but no need for Unleashed.

File updated Aug 14 No longer needs cleaning and advertisment corrected. Sorry about that.

Open wall shower
This is an open shower that goes on walls. It is very good for compact living. It will not need cleaning or repairing (it looked weird when it was being cleaned or repaired) but with this shower you always get water on the floor.
Open shower good for outdoor use
Here is another open shower. This one is hacked to work better when it's placed outdoors. Sims will not care about privacy, they simply change to swimsuit and have a shower. This does not boost hygiene the way a normal shower does. And you get water on the ground.

hacked clonable shower base
This shower has been hacked to no longer make Sims shoo when they are not alone in the bathroom, and it does not generate flooding on the floor. I does not get dirty (no need for cleaning) and does not break. Also hacked to work without any Expansionpack. Feel free to clone and use it for your own work.
tutorial shower

Tutorial shower

This is the shower from my Shower tutorial with all the hacks already in it.

Hygiene 10, Comfort 4, Room 2, no shooing, no flooding, and no cleaning.


Dog enabled shower

Dog enabled shower

This is a shower that you put on a wall. It is useful for compact living because it wont get in the way when it is not being used. It has an open design. New voice recognizing technique makes it possible for dogs to turn this shower on by barking at it. That means your dogs can use it on their own to boost their hygiene. And they think it's fun too. A new plumbing invention with a floor drain keeps the water from spreading over the floor.

Hygiene 10, Room 2


Dog function needs Unleashed, no Expansionpack is needed for Sims to shower.

Dog enabled shower

Dog enabled shower

This shower is designed to work well outdoors. If it's placed outdoors, Sims won't shoo on eachother when they use it, they simply change into swimwear instead. The shower has an open design. New voice recognizing technique makes it possible for dogs to turn this shower on by barking at it. That means your dogs can use it on their own to boost their hygiene. And they think it's fun too. A new plumbing invention with a floor drain keeps the water from spreading over the floor.

Hygiene 10, Room 2

Dog function needs Unleashed, no Expansionpack is needed for Sims to shower.