Pet section 1
To download just click the picture
For more information please read the Readme that is included in the zip.

In the Plumbing section you will find Dog enabled showers.



Tired of giving your dogs a bath? With this dogshower they can have a shower on their own. It needs to be placed outside, because things get wet when a dog uses it.

Needs Unleashed
Petstopping doorStop pets door
Petstop door
Petstopping doors

Three Pet gates that that won't let any pets pass. Works like normal doors for all other Sims.

Needs Living large or higher, only useful if you have Unleashed.

pet food bowl
Self refilling petfood

This pet foodbowl will refill itself every time a pet eats from it. The cost for each refill is 5 Simoleans.

Unleashed needed
Pet food

Pet food

This pet foodbowl is so easy to use even a child can fill it. And the maid will refill it when it's needed.


Unleashed needed

Cat sign

Would you like to show those stray cats where you want them to go when they need to reliev themselvs. Just put up this sign. They know what it means.

Needs Unleashed
Dragon food flowers
Dragon food

These flowers will replace the Maxis Outdoor flowers. They have been hacked to better resist the dragons feeding on them. Instead of disappearing they wilt. Dragons will not eat the wilted flowers, you better hire a gardener. Please read the readme file. Only useful if you have Making Magic.
Green petfood
Pet food

Pet food

Here are some more pet foodbowls that the maid will refill once they are in use.

Needs Unleashed

Pet toys
Pet toys

Here are the Maxis Pet toys in a version that you can buy from the catalog, but only on Unleashed community lots and on Vacation lots. They give all visiting dogs something fun to do. All three toys are in the same zipfile.

Needs Unleashed